Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to the blog for Mr. Escalante’s Geometry class!  This year we will be using this blog to extend our learning in geometry.  Each day I will assign one of you to be a “scribe.”  It will be this student’s job to recap or summarize what we went over that day and put it on the blog.  This is a resource for you, and participation will count as 5% of your final grade.  I encourage you to comment on each other’s posts and ask questions.  This blog is meant to be an ever-changing document.

Each post should have:
The name of the lesson
Objective (can be found on the board)
TEKS (can be found on the board)
A summary of the lesson.
Your thoughts on the lesson
Anything that confused you

In addition, at the end of each blog post, the scribe needs to create an example problem from the lesson  OR
Insert a graphic that either they created or found on the internet.

If you want to read more about the ways other teachers are using blogs, here is a good link:

--Mr. Escalante

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